Sunday, November 4, 2012

Soular Radiation and the SecretSun


Route Forming Signal Recieved -  Tao Crossed, Destiny Dotted, Saturnian Contract Under Review...


      La Place, Fourier and Knowles 

     The Laplace transform is related to the Fourier transform, but whereas the Fourier transform expresses a function or signal as a series of modes of vibration (frequencies), the Laplace transform resolves a function into its moments.
      Christopher Loring Knowles, via his blog "theSecretSun", has inducted many people into a way (Tao) of understanding the signals recieved and transformed by our brainboxes. To look at pop culture and everything else through a mythical lens. Like James Joyce, for postmodern kids. By teaching the language of the birds, through a readily accessible medium of comics and films, and daring us to extend that technique to the whole signal spectrum of 3 space + 1 time dimensions, he has opened our eyes and ears to a richer, fuller understanding of life, the universe and everything.
     I am a 47 year old man, who is very grateful for having been exposed to, and taught in the subtlest possible way; The Knowles Transform. Chris, you have allowed me to reconsider my beliefs, reexamine my relationship to the gods and culture heroes I thought I was too smart to need any more, and come to a much deeper understanding of psychological archetypes and their import for me vis a vis self knowledge. Now looky there, Knowle(s)dge.
     More importantly, Chris attracted a vibrant community of commenters; where all were welcome to learn, share and teach. He managed to transfer this community to a facebook group, and maintain a troll free atmosphere with a great vibe. Well done that man!
     All good things come to an end; and transform into other good things. So i would like to take this oppurtunity to say "Vale Secret Sun".
       The Secret Sun King is Dead, long live the Secret Sun King.

O Captain my Captain! our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up--for you the flag is flung for you the bugle trills,
For you bouquets and ribboned wreaths for you the shores a-crowding,
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father!
This arm beneath your head!
It is some dream that on the deck,
You've fallen cold and dead.

My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still;
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;
The ship is anchored safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;
From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;
Exult O shores, and ring O bells!
But I, with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

     Fear not, secretsun worshippers. The Knowles Transform tells us that as surely as night follows day; that resurrection follows death, which is not to be feared but embraced.

      Whatever happened to Leo Trotsky?



Thursday, February 9, 2012

that was not a helicopter!

One night a couple of years ago a friend and i, had a ufo encounter. i will declare up front that we had consumed about 5 grams each of psylocibin truffles, which were briefly available at the time, under the label "philosophers stone". it was a fairly mild dose, and extremely clean. there were no hallucinatory effects, but reality was certainly heightened in that magnificent way, and i had the feeling of being allowed to return to the garden, from which i had been previously expelled.

                                                             The Philosophers Stone
So we were sitting in his backyard, taking in the delights of nature on a summer evening. We were watching the night sky and the stars were as vivid as i have ever seen them. One physical effect I will allow was probably caused by the truffles pupil dilating effects, was that any light source was intensified, but not modified. Anyway, I was watching a star group about a third of the way up from the horizon, when my eye was drawn to a particular star; as i concentrated on the star, it pulsed. "Hey Brian, check this out." Now it was really pulsing. wtf. As we both started to watch this pulsar it lights up and literally starts falling from the sky, towards us. Just this one star. Its now travelling towards us from deep outerspace. Closer, closer, eventually its in the atmosphere and its this big fireball. Slowly but surely this fireball is falling , falling straight towards us. its not totally unlike a meteor, but it took minutes to get so close, i was starting to worry it was going to land on our house. This thing was literally on top of us, a large yellow, flaming fireball. the closer it got, the weirder things got.

 My friend and I, have slightly different recall of the order and duration of events. He was banging on the upstairs verandah floor with his walking stick, to try and get the attention of his brother and his girlfriend who were upstairs, to no avail. The fireball was now directly overhead, and spluttered out, as it passed over. The back yard was lit up like a camera flash had gone off. i mean really lit up, brighter than day. but only our backyard, literally along the fence line. Then the light went off, and there is a really large helicopter circling overhead. we can see what appears to be military personnell in the back of the choppers open doors. Our instant reaction was " no fucking way! that was not a helicopter!". and then it was over, reality tick tock'n away like nothing ever happened. Yeah right.

 As a post script, a couple of months later I was telling a mutual friend the story. Until I posted about this recently at secretsun fb, he was the only person I had told. I started telling him about the fireball, and he says "yeah. fireball. turns into a black helicopter. yeah we saw that one night down on the beach at brighton." like it was the most normal thing in the world. It was not the same night. He said that he and a couple of friends were down at the beach, 'vocalising', which is a type of chanting, in a made up (?) language when a very similar series of events unfolded.

 Being open to, if not actually making a conscious attempt at, contact; seems to be , if not a prerequisite, a very common attribute of these contact(?) events. Also, it seems that the experience is much likelier to, reoccurr, having been previously experienced. So people telling a tale such as this, are very likely to have other tales of high strange adventure.  The consumption of psychedelic substances also seems to be an extremely common factor. Though it is one that is normally downplayed or left out, because as soon as you mention that fact, the entire event is put down to the ramblings of a drug addled mind. I think this is a ridiculous, if understandable, response. I think the opposite. In fact, I find it adds to the veracity of the tale; and is a prime reason why there should be serious investigation of the phenomena instead of running scared from an admittedly scary experience. Of course, that would entail recognition that some phenomena do not lend themselves to 'the scientific method'. They are not repeatable, nor suitable for double blind blah blah materialist methodologies. In the eyes of materialist skepdicks, this means that they are not real, did not happen. Which is fine, until it happens to you.

As a life long experiencer of high weirdness, both with and without chemical assisstance, I learnt very quickly not to talk about my experiences.The penalty for breaching this rule was ridicule, and the general implication that Dan is not a bad guy, but he's batshit crazy. Play the game, pretend it didn't happen and all is forgiven; otherwise its off to Coventry you go. This makes for a nasty mixture of self doubt and loneliness. Is there anyone out there like me. Thank the gods for the internet. The world has changed almost completely in my 47 laps around our old friend Sol, and the situation with regards sharing your experiences is much improved. But even now, and in a friendly forum it takes real courage to recount the events. Even having made the decision to create this blog and recall the events, I find myself vaccilating between relief and self recrimination. But wtf, there is only one way to find out, as they say.
I was inspired to tell this story by listening to Jordan Maxwell recount an amazing tale from his youth. Kudos to Mike Clelland of 'Hidden Experience' blog, who provided the link. , thanks Mike, thanks Jordan for being brave enough to own the experience and to share it.