Sunday, May 15, 2011

astro-gnostic musings on a secret sun

I have just written an extremely long comment on the 'secret sun' blogspot and i have decided to post it here. Who knows? (apart from the shadow-cause he ain't talking) it might lead to movement at the station.

I would like to respond to some of the comments from part 2.hope that isn't regarded as off topic
About twelve months ago, I read an article by Jay Weidner in 'New Dawn' in which he laid out his kubrick/moon landing thesis, with particular emphasis on the technical methods Kubrick employed/invented to achieve the desired effects. The article details the tell tale signs the methods left, allowing Weidner ( as well as Hoagland and others ) to reverse engineer the photos and underpin the thesis that the photos were created on earth, whilst acknowledging that man may well have been to the moon. Making the photos, and their source the focus, rather than NASA , Nazis and the NWO.
The next night on television (sbs australia), I stumbled across the French made mockumentary 'The Dark Side of the Moon' which I knew nothing about at the time.
At face value it would appear to be a dislcosure type documentary, confirming virtually all the aspects of Jays thesis, and told from the perspective of the conspirators themselves in their own words. The cast consisting of heavy hitters like Henry Kissinger, little Donny Rumsfeld, Alexander Haig et al being interviewed about, and spilling all the details of the operation to have Stanley Kubrick produce film and photos of a moon landing, from a terrestrial studio, which could be used to dupe John Q Public. Kubricks widow and assisstants also appear, lending further credibility to movie. Which is mind bogglingly, jaw droppingly credible ( is this really happening, am I dreaming)until the end credits roll and we are let in on the joke via bloopers and footage showing the cast rehearsing and reading from and joking about the script. An elaborate joke at the expense of the 'lunatic fringe'. I was gutted. I looked around to make sure no one had seen that I had been so thoroughly taken in. After the movie was referenced in the comments section, I found a copy in google video. Unfortunately it seems to be only the first half of the film, although it includes the all important end credit sequence. style=width:400px;height:326px allowFullScreen=true allowScriptAccess=always type=application/x-shockwave-flash
I can't recommend this enough to secret sunworshippers. Not just for what it means re weidner et als theorys. gives a full list of the power players involved as well as the Kubrick camp insiders. These two groups seem to overlap considerably. The makers of the documentary, or their producers, were able to access some of the most powerful men on earth, convince them to go along with an elaborate multi level joke; because they are so well known as jolly japesters. Front man for the NWO/Illuminati Corp is just their day job. They really do display considerable acting chops, which probably should not come as any great surprise.
Which leads me to see incredible parallels between the Weidner hypothesis and what can be reasonably inferred from the mockumentary and its cast. Self referential movies telling stories symbolically; now its a matter of discerning just what story is being symbolically told, by whom and to what end. Could the symbolic story actually be a meta-story version of the 'face value' narrative ? I would also like to hear from jay re 'Dark Side of the Moon', which was made in 2002. Could it have been a preemptive strike to discredit the thesis before it became more widely disseminated ? Whatever, but whoever made it had unprecedented access to the power elite; pisstake or not. Is it too late for a spoiler alert.
Raj when you mention “... manipulate the building blocks on which perception is based..” I think you are hitting the nail square on the head. (no masonic pun intended).
I agree with your thoughts re kubricks 'bone picking agenda', but I also think that the masters of the universe enjoy and encourage the resistance of their 'chosen tool'; it keeps the psychological turmoil alive through self conflict. Allowing one access to ones dreams,if only you are prepared to 'do a little favour'. Quid pro quo, in a manner of speaking.
The 'psychedelic experience', is always a subject fraught with difficulty; probably due to the personal and subjective nature of the experience.( we all think we own and understand it uniquely). But I always think its worth trying to define what we mean in an attempt to clarify. I feel there are two distinct types of , or expressions of 'tripping' ( which I believe are easily and often confused when talking about the experience; but never when having it). Those where the ego structure remains intact, and those where the trippers ego structure is dissolved/shattered; the so called 'ego death'. Where the experiencer ceases to be; and if they are lucky ( notwithstanding the lottery like nature of 'set', 'setting', 'dose' and 'purity') become aware of everything, all at once, a cosmic consciousness encounter. I am very interested in the notion that when using the psychedelic substances to facilitate the 'ego death'; they act as a catalyst to trigger a mechanism in our brains which leads to a classic 'mystical experience', 'kundalini activation' etc. which is endogenous in nature. See William James variety of religious experience. The fact that such similar experiences can be derived from such different first principles,i.e. Near death exp , out of body experience, fever/dream/hallucination, religious experience, dare I say it 'abduction experience; it is easy to fall into a bias towards whichever form of the experience we may have been priveleged to ( I was going to say 'experience' but if I use that word one more time in this paragraph my computer will explode).
Anony 12:49 whilst I suspect that we are talking about two different categories of psychedelic experience, I think you nailed it with regards the ' shitty nature meme'. Quite a few references to shitty times recently and whilst I concur , I would like to clarify. We are talking about society, culture, civilisation; not the mystery that is life. The fact that life can be hard,boring etc. in no way detracts from the experience of the opposite (upside) attitudes emotions feelings etc. in fact they add necessary contrast to allow full appreciation. Your last paragraph is very interesting , along with the expression of personal psychedelic experiences , it is somewhat of a taboo subject. Sticking to the open minded skepticism which has served so well; if we are going to entertain the notion of a corrupt and evil elite ( not exactly a new concept, “...wickedness in high places...” and some gnostic themes); then surely we must at least consider that 'they' could be the good guys (bhoddisattvas?); guiding us through a life experience. The secrecy being necessary in order to protect us from knowing ( gnoing), before we have been adequately prepared (initiated?.. I knew there was a point to this rave that would tie back to a secretsun theme) ; and the exact analogy applies to using drugs to facilitate (force) a mystical/cosmic experience , which can be extremely dangerous. Knowledge
without initiation resulting in a premature gnosis ; making it difficult to live the life we have come all this way to do, in an authentic manner. As always when discussing entheogens, a warning and disclaimer is necessary. I would like to share a couplet from a song lyric I wrote 25 years ago whilst trying to process my own self initiated (premature) gnosis.
    • i've been where the giraffe sleeps, and i'll go there again,
      i don't recall how I got here, but i remember when.
      i went swimming in the mirror, i swam way too fast.,
      now its not safe inside my head, its full of broken glass.
{p.s. Alan green – check it out ; a fucking giraffe dude}
Sorry to rave on ( and on & on),but it is such a pleasure to participate in , or just partake of,
the erudite comment section of the secret sun . Where a diversity of opinion and experience can be put forward in a supportive and non hostile environment . I have remarked here previously, when discussing 'psych(o)delic experiences' that the secretsun (ss) gives me/us Access to the multi dimensional entity that is the realm of the subconscious mind without the inherent dangers of drug use. A much safer route( way, tao) to informed gnosis.
Cheers to Chris Knowles, his blog, and its commenters – who rarely fail to educate and prepare me. Regards,
p.s.- I have always found your posts on Initiation to be entertaining and enlightening ( a rare combination unfortunately), and I would love to see you revisit the topic with your less frequent but
in depth reviews of some of the secret suns dominant themes. I think that the extra time between posts seems to allow the comments to get in depth and develop, I like that. I have been alleviating my secretsun jones at facebook, but I prefer this format completely. I guess I am officially old.